What You Need To Know About Japanese Beetles
The Japanese Beetle is an invasive species not native to Colorado. They are known to cause extensive damage to lawns, shrubs and plants. They cause rapid devastation to a large array of vegetation by quickly defoliating any plant they have congregated on.
They begin life as an egg that is laid into the soil. The egg hatches into larvae and then feeds on the roots of turfgrass causing extreme damage. Additionally, animals such as skunks, moles, birds and other insect feeding creatures will dig up grubs causing even more damage to manicured lawns.
As adults, they are identifiable by their iridescent copper/brown wings and shiny, metallic green body. They thrive by feeding on the leaves, flowers and fruit of more than 300 species of plants and trees; rose bushes, birch, linden, maples, elms, cherry, plum, apple, crabapple, raspberries, grapes, basil and marigolds, just to name a few. They indulge by feeding on the tissue of leaves between the major veins leaving them with a lace like appearance. The damaged leaves turn brown and, in many cases, fall off.
When they aren't feeding, they are mating. A single female lays up to 50 eggs in a season!
Examples of Japanese Beetles:
We Can Help!
We can treat your lawn with a commercial-grade insecticide. It is important to note that while we can help to reduce their population, thereby, minimizing the amount of devastation they cause, we cannot guarantee full eradication. This is due to the fact that they can simply emerge from a non-treated lawn and fly to their preferred plant of choice.
Note: After insecticide has been applied, the lawn needs to be watered for 20 to 30 minutes per zone to activate the product. Please allow the lawn to dry thoroughly before allowing people or pets on the treated area.
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